Where The Heck Have I Been ?
It's been a while ever since I updated this blog and I'm very sorry about that. The truth is, without sugarcoating anything, a lot of stuff happened at the same time, leaving me with no choice but to put both this blog and most of my social media on hold.
It all started when my phone broke, which meant I had no way of taking photos for this blog, nor update my Instagram. To most of you this might not seem like such a big deal, but since I had no other way to photograph content for this blog, I was forced to go on a hiatus until I had the money for either a new phone or a new camera.
Fast forward to August and ta-da! I had my very first job and was on my way to afford a new phone! By September, I finally had enough saved up to buy one so I did, but since I had a job that took a lot of my time, I couldn't find an appropriate schedule to post anything in here, hence why this blog was still inactive by then.
Then, by the end of September, I got fired. I'm not going to lie, it sucked. I was pretty down for a while and didn't have the energy to be cheery and write up new content for this blog. But now, I moved past that and started looking for a new job, since college wasn't really within my reach this year - yet another unexpected hiatus!
In the middle of all that was happening, this blog was always on the back of my mind. It's something I truly enjoy putting effort into, where the actual work I put in doesn't feel like work. Deep down, I knew I wasn't going to give up on Amaze In Style, because I need it as much as it needs me, I suppose.
In a roundabout way, this is my way of telling you I'm back! I won't have the time to post three posts per week like before, so I'm shortening it down to two posts per week (not sure on what days just yet, but feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments). I'm full of ideas and new products to review, plus a few new lifestyle posts up my sleeve!
Finally, if you've actually stuck around long enough to reach this part, thank you. For sticking around while I vanished, for giving my content the time of day, for just being here and letting me know you care if there's something new up on the blog. That's what motivated me the most to come back - to know other people cared. I promise I won't give up on this blog and I'm so glad you didn't either.