Bedroom Decor Wishlist

by - 15:27

In case none of you know the reason for my recent absence, it's all due to the fact I'm moving! It's taken up a lot of my time recently, especially since I won't have to share a room with my siblings anymore, which means I finally get to decorate my bedroom as I please. And what better way to announce that I'm moving here on the blog than with a bedroom decor wishlist? I've been browsing some websites lately, looking for affordable yet cute home decor that I could actually afford with my paycheck (which is going for paying bills a lot more than I initially thought, but that's a subject for a whole other chatty post in the future). Everything in here is either from Primark, Ikea, H&M or Zara Home and nothing is over 20€ individually. I'll probably post a bedroom inspo post sometime in the near future, but for now I'll also leave you a link to my Home Inspo board on Pinterest so you can get an overall feel of what I want for my bedroom. So without any more chit chatting, take a look at my top picks for my bedroom!

First row: everything from Primark. The prices are 4€, 8€, 6€ and 4€.
Second row: everything from Ikea. The prices are 2.50€, 2.99€, 9.99€ and 3.99€ (for a pack of 8 hangers).
Third row: everything from Zara Home. The prices are 5.99€, 9.99€ and 5.99€.
Fourth row: everything from H&M Home. The prices are 5.99€, 6.99€, 7.99€ and 14.99€.

Let me know what your favourites are and if you have any suggestions of places to shop for affordable home decor, leave them down in the comments!

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  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE buying home/bedroom decor it's just so fun. I adore all of these items!
    Charlotte //

    1. It's quickly becoming an obsession of mine as well! I'm also looking into some DIY, mainly for lipstick holders, so hopefully that will work out as well x
